Italian gambling arrives at Affiliabet

El marketing de afiliados en Italia

We are expanding our borders so that you have more options. Sign up at Affiliabet and you will only have one click away more bookmakers, a new market and a great variety of affiliate campaigns waiting for you to increase your income in the easiest way.

The online betting, gambling and gaming sector has always been tightly controlled; however, its growth has been remarkable. In Europe, regulations have placed limits on the promotion of gambling and betting shops, both on the premises and on their web versions. And gambling advertising is always in the spotlight for its bold messages or aggressive methods of acquiring new customers.

Restrictive measures on the promotion and advertising of bookmakers have caused a lot of controversy in European countries that wanted to regulate their markets. It is the Italian government that stands out for its strict regulatory regime.

  • Italian market regulation
  • Italian industry reaction to the restrictions
  • Campaigns for the Italian market that you will find on Affiliabet.

Italy is the country with the most restrictive online gambling regulations in Europe.

When Mr Di Maio took office as Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister on 1 June 2018, he began to implement the plans he had already announced in his candidacy: to implement tougher restrictions on bookmakers’ advertising. And so, the Dignity Decree was created, which initiated a total ban on the promotion of betting on all channels and by all means. Including affiliate marketing.

This legislation also banned the promotional and sponsorship agreements that betting and gambling companies had with football teams. Contracts that brought in 120 million euros to Italian football and which, if terminated, would leave half of the Serie A clubs without a budget.

The main parties affected by this decision, the football clubs themselves, have already warned that this measure would seriously affect the Italian league and put it at a disadvantage compared to other countries.

And online gambling operators also warned that such strict regulation could create the opposite effect and encourage the growth of the black market, which would further harm the population, whom these measures are intended to protect.

The Dignity Decree obtained the necessary support in the Italian Parliament to be approved and entered into force on 1 January 2019.

The ban on gambling advertisements triggered a strong reaction from the industry.

  • The Dignity Decree aims to protect society; to create social stability and to prevent vulnerable people from falling victim to gambling. However, this radical regulation comes as a blow to gambling companies, who claim that promoting their products falls under their licence to operate in the regulated gambling market in Italy and that this ban violated their rights as licensees.

They also warn that the biggest beneficiary of this situation will be the black market; it will find a way to reach the public and it will then be very difficult to differentiate between licensed and black market operators.

At Affiliabet (registration link) we provide you with affiliate campaigns that promote responsible gambling. On our platform you will find the best advertisers, with the most profitable promotions, for the most relevant markets.

Gambling is a form of entertainment used by more and more people, but it can become an addictive activity; and protection for gamblers must come from both personal and governmental supervision. However, a very strict ban is not the solution as it will encourage the illegal market. Legislators must set the rules by working with the industry to get a clear picture of how it operates.

At Affiliabet we have the best bookmakers licensed to operate in Italy and the best promotions and bonuses to monetise your channels with affiliate marketing.

Sign up with Affiliabet and start your affiliate campaigns in the Italian market; where you can find greater profitability and the security of having only authorised bookmakers who are leaders in their sector.

What campaigns will you find on Affiliabet?

Campaigns for sports betting, online gambling, poker, finance and Forex.


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